Birdwatch for WebOS

Posted by on Jan 11, 2011 in Portfolio

Birdwatch for WebOS

Twitter is more than your average social networking site, its rapidly becoming the primary online communication tool. While many superb tools and applications exist to monitor your public feeds, little exists to help with targeted messaging such as @replies and mentions. As more and more people communicate both publicly and privately via twitter, and as the service grows in popularity, its becoming increasingly important (and difficult) to monitor what people say to and about you. Whether you’re an individual or a business, its vital to know when you’ve been mentioned, and this is where ‘birdwatch’ © can help.
Tested to work on all WebOS devices including the Palm Pre and pixi.

Birdwatch is a small background application written for WebOS initially for internal use only. The tool runs autonomously, periodically checking Twitter for new tweets where your registered username has either have a (private) direct message or (public) reply/mention. Birdwatch then presents a dashboard stage allowing you to scroll through new, unseen messages ensuring you do not miss any important information or cut vital conversations short.

Features include:

  • Runs autonomously with no impact on system performance or battery life!
  • Easy reply mechinism allows you to reply directly without opening the twitter website or a dedicated application
  • State managed – you should never see the same message twice
  • Configure how little or often you want to check twitter
  • Send a copy of a message to yourself (or anyone else) via email
  • Never miss an @reply or DM again!